This form is to be used to help you organize your first report and then later your yearly report. This report is used to create and later to update your New Day Branch web page. It is important to answer the questions as fully as possible so that we have all the information we need to complete your NDCM Branch page. Remember to send in pictures often for your page as well. In addition to this form we encourage you to view the pages that have already been completed as examples. Do not be overly concerned with spelling and grammar your reports will be edited before your site is created or updated.
As you prepare to send your report pray and seek the Lord’s leadership as to what it is He wants you to share. Be sure to look to see what the other branches already have shared, include a greeting, answer the 4 question in detail ,at least one paragraph each. If you have any questions please send them to leaders@newdaycm.org.
"Need a little help?
Here is some examples to help you.