Welcome to our child sponsorship page

Below you will find a picture along with the name and basic description of the children in our sponsorship program. Every child is a part of our ministry. It is our desire that each one is sponsored. We already know that God has a New Day for each one of these beautiful children. It is our prayer that you will consider sponsoring these children as the Lord will lead you. Your support will go to provide them with the basic needs everyone has: food, clothing & shelter. Also a portion will be set aside to provide them with an education and a Bible. You will receive a letter from the child or children you sponsor quarterly along with an updated picture. May God bless you as you bless these little ones of His.
To become a monthly Sponsorship ($25) please click on the buttons below and we will assign If you would like to give a special donation you can do so by clicking on any of the Special Donation buttons throughout the page.
Special donations will be distributed equally to the children who have not yet been sponsored.
If you would prefer to send your sponsorship by mail or give a special donation by mail you can send your donations to :
"New Day Children"
New Day Christian Ministry
PO BOX 610
West Carrollton, OH 45449
A solid Red Heart with a yellow S means this child is currently Sponsored.
An empty Red Heart with a red NS means this child currently needs to be sponsored you can click on their name to become their sponcer.
Click on the child's name that you want to sponsor.
For a brief histiory of each child place your pointer over their picture.
You can easily navigate through our sight by using the drop down menus on our sight navigator above. Just follow the
New Day Christian Ministry
We will add more children as these are sponsored.
If you would like to give a special donation to help all the children you can click below to do that as well.